About Feed Legislation


This website has been created and maintained by GMP+ International. GMP+ International is committed to safe feed all over the world. GMP+ International does this by setting requirements for feed that are sometimes stricter than the (local) legislation and regulations. But reference is also often made to (local) legislation and regulations. Because the GMP+ requirements and the (local) laws and regulations are inextricably linked, it is important for GMP+ International that everyone can easily find the applicable laws and regulations. For that reason, it was decided to set up the feedlegislation.org website. Previously, this information was shared by FND-Nevedi via diervoederketen.nl. The specific information about feed legislation can no longer be consulted via that website but is now shared via www.feedlegislation.org. This website is intended as a convenient place where information can be found quickly. No rights can be granted to the information displayed on the website.

GMP+ International is not an expert in the field of legislation and regulations and can therefore not answer questions about this. For this you can contact your local authority.